Made you look…
Meet Zoe, Tim’s Great Dane when she was a puppy.
Our guess is if you are reading this page, it is because you saw the button where they had a meaningful embrace and you clicked on it. It caught you because it touched your heart and made you wonder, it gave you a question that needed to be answered. “How does a hug with a dog have anything to do with web consultation?”
Great question, and it comes with a question for you… What are you doing in your social media to make people ask questions that they have to have answered? What are you doing to give the answers to those questions?

How long has it been since you did a check-up on your web presence?
No no, no no. This is not about SEO and digital marketing. This isn’t about giving a company money and hoping it will advertise you and give you a new world of clients. This is truly looking at your websites, social medias, and content and judging why it does or doesn’t work. How can you make small steps to improve your presence? After that, then you focus in on SEO and all the other nonsense that everyone else markets first. Here’s a reality check, they aren’t the miracle pill. They are snake oil, and you are better than that.

An outside consult is a DESPERATE NEED for businesses today!
We see businesses that have lived and thrived for 40, 50, even 100 years, suddenly die and shut their doors. The times are changing DAILY and those businesses find themselves unnecessary or un-noticed. Which leads to a loss of funding, which ends eras of hard work. Changing with the times is a daily requirement, and now more than ever, showing yourself to be welcoming and human requires you to reach beyond your business doorstep and introduce yourself to the outside world. Tim helps navigate those waters patiently but directly.

Results you can expect
Like any puppy, you will need to grow, this means there will be more work for you to do. Tim won’t be coming up with a fix for your business that you pay to and it just works. This will require your focus with Tim giving you the steps to get from point A, to point B. But the results will mature, and your business will become more open, honest, beautiful, and frankly, your business will look far less “stringently professional” (Frankly, sterile) and appear much more casually professional. Because your audience, your client base, needs that more than ever, and more importantly, the younger generation will need it as your older generation passes away. (A hard truth, but a real one that MUST be considered.)
Legacy Studio is in the business of making legacies. Your business needs to be one of the ones offering your legacy to your clients. Its not in-direct geofencing and SEO that will get you there. It’s your heart.

Intrigued? This doesn’t have to be expensive.
Most of Tim’s clients have the information they need after one visit. Tim takes the time to learn about your business, your goals, and your future dreams, then helps you gear your content so that you can have a compass to head that direction, not only to improve yourself for your audience now but also your future younger audience that is on the way.
Most times this meeting is a hard reality check. Many of the steps you need to take, you may already know. It is more about time investment and a willingness to get creative than it is money in many cases. Tim can help fill a few of those roles for you because reality is, you’re busy! You don’t have time to start over. But, getting an understanding is still one of the most important steps you can take, and it will sub-consciously help you make better decisions now before it is too late.
Let’s start the conversation, make an appointment to meet, and begin this journey to keep your legacy going. Email Tim at, or message him on FaceBook to start the conversation.